Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Delight God in Business by Pursuing Him

LEADERSHIP Series: Size Matters: Especially the Little Things

Proverbs 11:1 (NASB) A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.

Making a very little adjustment to the weights in ancient times could become very profitable for the wealth-driven business person. In business today, although we don't use the same kind of scales, it is still the little things that can make a big difference. The CRA-induced financial crisis is an example of a collection of little changes (demands on banks to lend to those who would not normally qualify) that has had a huge impact on global business today.

Slight, very small “adjustments” in how the inventory is recognized is another example that can have an impact on value of a firm. Recognizing revenue is fraught with minefields of gray areas where small decisions can affect the financial statement.

A little adjustment here, a little lie there and white lies everywhere yielding a response to the question, “What can I get away with?" Our culture today presents leaders with many opportunities for self-righteous behaviors; but for those who understand that they work for God, and not humans, the small stuff, while remaining critical, becomes easier to handle when we begin to assimilate the truth that running a business is a heart thing.

Even as business people, Believers are called to pursue God, not “advantage.” We are called to righteousness, not riches. We are called to multiply what He has given us for His glory.

Are you delighting God?

For Further Study
How do these refrences help expand the gravity of this passage?
Lev 19:35,36
Deut 25:13-16
Prov 20:10,23
Mic 6:11
Prov 16:11

Honest and fairness are basic to God's convents with humans. What are some of the little things in your life where the Evil One could gain a foothold?

Why is delighting God so important, anyway?

Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell

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