Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tools of Encouragement

LEADERSHIP Series: Choosing the Right Tools to Train, Guide and Grow

Proverbs 26:3 (NLV) Guide a horse with a whip, a donkey with a bridle, and a fool with a rod to his back!

Psalm 32:9 (NASB) Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, otherwise they will not come near to you.

The Whip
According to horse expert, Clemens Dierks, the whip is very misunderstood. Movies show it being applied vigorously to make the horse go faster or if the horse “misbehaves.” It takes skill to use a whip. “The whip should be there to assist the horse to learn the correct responses…The whip, correctly used, is applied before the dressage move is to take place. And even then, it is a touch, not a strike.

The Bridle
The bridle sets have also been misapplied in movies. For example, you don’t tie a horse by the reigns connected to the bridle – the horse can be greatly injured. One bridle does not fit all, either. Sometimes, the horse's teeth must be tended – other times, the thickness or length must be different. In other words, just any old bridle won't do: it must fit the horse! Like we should be treating people we manage - the bridle is to “govern” the horse - guide direction, or forward/backward motion.

The Rod
Our culture has directed many strong reactions to the use of the “rod.” Once again, it was not intended for “beating” in anger – but it was to be used to apply a physical pain to behavior that rebelliously rejects the values of those leading. Today, we use different modalities of discipline and the point is that behavior must have consequences. (This blog will not address the use of corporal punishment.)


1. What specific tools do you use to train? Do those tools honor God in their application?

2. What tools do you use with your team to guide direction? What are some of the most difficult issues you face in applying these tools?

3. When you must discipline an employee, what do you do, today? What works? What has not worked? How might you discipline and still glorify Christ?

Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell


  1. I think a tie in to Hebrews - the Lord disciplines those He loves - would have been some scripture to also consider.

    I enjoyed the questions and thought they were looking into the right areas to consider.

  2. Excellent post, and well delivered visuals.

    I did get a little lost when you switched from the whip to the bridle analogy. I think the two analogies would be great for separate posts, as they left me wanting just a little more on each.

    I think a question on how have we misused these tools would make the issue more personal, but the study questions you list are very good.



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